I absolutely love combining different cuisines and flavors.
There is something fun in combining different flavors, taking a dish that is identified with a particular cuisine and dressing it up with flavors of another cuisine.
So this shawarma gnocchi is a dish that my mother made up, a mini gnocchi with chicken shawarma and mushrooms - or just mushrooms for a vegan version. (To be honest, yesterday I made both versions and the vegan was more popular in my household)
I really like this dish, the tenderness of the gnocchi along with the flavors of the shawarma.. so good!
And so so easy to make!
Try and tell me how it turned out and if you liked it .. really want to hear :)
500g mini gnocchi (mini gnocchi is not a must - regular gnocchi is also fine)
500g of spring chicken
One pack of champignon mushrooms, sliced. (for the meatless version - 2 packs of mushrooms)
4 portobello mushrooms cut into slices
A handful of parsley
2 cloves garlic
1 onion cut into strips
2 teaspoons turmeric
A teaspoon of cumin
Half a teaspoon of paprika
Half a teaspoon of grill spice
Black pepper
Olive oil

Boil a pot with water and 2 tablespoons of salt to cook the gnocchi.
Mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric, a teaspoon of cumin, half a teaspoon of paprika, half a teaspoon of grilled spice, a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
Heat some olive oil in a large skillet and add a teaspoon of the spice mixture, to open up the flavors.
Add crushed garlic and onion, lightly fry it. and take it out and put it to a side.
Wrap the spring chicken in the spice mixture and roast them on the same pan you used for the onions, for two minutes on each side.
Remove the chicken out of the pan and cut them into slices, put it back to the pan and add the sliced mushrooms and roast together.
Add the roasted onion back.
Cook the gnocchi in the boiling water until they float and then transfer it to the skillet with the shawarma.
Mix together and add more salt and pepper to suit your taste.
Add some chopped parsley, and that's it. The dish is ready to serve!
Enjoy! :)