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תמונת הסופר/תmor beja

Dreamy, soft and moist POLENTA RICOTTA cake.

עודכן: 16 ביוני 2021

After a night of bombings, alarms, runs to the protected area and without many hours of sleep I woke up in the morning with a strong desire for a yummy and comforting cake.

I had ricotta cheese in the fridge because I planned to make gnudi. But at that moment, I looked at the ricotta and saw a perfect start to the cake I was craving for.

I was thinking of a ricotta and semolina cake, with a little lemon zest and not too sweet. That kind of cake that you sprinkles some powdered sugar over. Perfect! I thought to myself.

Then I opened the cupboard to take out semolina and in front of me I saw the polenta. And I decided to change it up a lil bit and use it instead of the semolina.

Ricotta and polenta cake, let's do it!

It turned out exactly what I wanted.

A cake that is not too sweet, moist and dreamy. I could not have asked for more than that.


  • 230 grams of polenta

  • 500 ml of milk

  • 50 grams of butter

  • 300 ml of water

  • 250 ml heavy cream

  • 220 grams of sugar

  • 400 grams of ricotta

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Pinch of salt

  • A quarter teaspoon of baking soda

  • Lemon zest from whole lemon

  • Powdered sugar to powder the cake


  • Boil the cream, milk, water and butter with a pinch of salt and lemon zest in a saucepan.

  • When it comes to a boil switch to medium-low heat and start adding the polenta gradually while stirring. Recommended to use a whisk.

  • It is important to keep mixing throughout the cooking. It does not take much time.

  • Cook the polenta until it formed, separates slightly from the pot and is still moist. It is important to keep it from drying out.

  • Spread the polenta on a pan with a wide surface area so that it cools faster. Cover with cling film so that no membrane is formed.

  • Let it cool slightly and then continue to make the cake.

  • In the mixer bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until you get a fluffy, light mixture.

  • Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda.

  • Add the ricotta gradually and whisk until well absorbed.

  • Preheat oven to a 190 degrees Celsius.

  • Gradually add the polenta mixture as well. slowly, one spoon each time until it's well absorbed into the batter. It is important not to add the polenta mixture at once due to its high temperature, it may cause the eggs to cook and harden.

  • Transfer the batter to a round pan 26 cm in diameter.

  • Put in the oven for 60 minutes.

  • The cake should be vibrating in the middle and stable on the sides.

  • Let the cake to cool to room temperature and then sprinkle powdered sugar over it.


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